I decided this year that I would focus on monthly goals instead of yearly ones. So last month I set four goals for January. And I killed it. I’ve already hit more of my goals than I did in all of 2017.
Read the Book of Mormon every day
I made this one happen. And I’ve already read more than I did in all of 2017. I started keeping a copy of the Book of Mormon on my nightstand, and made sure to read at least a couple verses before I went to sleep each night. It’s been a pretty easy habit to keep up with. I try to read a chapter most nights, but knowing that I’m reading at least a tiny bit is awesome. I haven’t had any super profound experiences yet, but it feels good to know that I’m doing something to improve my personal spirituality instead of just my social spirituality.
Write in my journal every day
I made this one happen too. I’ve been using Day One to keep my journal in, so every night I write a couple paragraphs (or just one paragraph if I don’t do much that day) before I read. Day One makes it super easy, and I love being able to read the entries I wrote a year ago (Mostly two years ago, since I didn’t write much last year).
Go to the temple once
This was a pretty easy one. I loved the whole once goal just because it kept it super simple. I went, I had a good time, and I completed the goal.
Publish an app
This one was maybe the biggest stretch for me. I thought I had Bull about ready to go when I got back from Christmas break, but I realized there was quite a bit left to do. I managed to get it all done, and made it onto the App Store on the 30th, just in time to mark this down as a success. I’ve found a few bugs with it, so I’m hoping to get another version up within a week or so. I’m glad I had the goal to push me to actually get it done though, instead of just having it live on my computer for months.
So now February…
This month has been wonderful for forming some new habits. Writing in my journal and reading the Book of Mormon have been great for helping me to wind down at night and get ready to sleep. I want to keep those going, but now that I’ve got them down pretty well, I want to add some more goals on top. So I’ve come up with three things I would like to do this month:
Read two books
I was doing a great job with reading in December, and finished three books. It helped that I had Christmas break off, and I was able to spend a good chunk of time reading. I’ll still be pretty busy trying to get Bull updated, so I’d like to plan on making time for two of them.
Go to the temple twice
I made it to the temple pretty easily in January. I think in February I can up that to two times. I think two is still a pretty doable goal.
Go to the gym at least once a week
I seriously love the gym. Maybe a little too much. Once I get there I almost always stay for around two hours. Because of my back, I haven’t been going as regularly as I would like. And as regularly as I should, since it helps my back to go. This month I want to make it there at least once each week. This shouldn’t be too hard to do, but having it written down will hopefully help motivate me even more.
Follow up with me
I’m not really sharing these goal posts too widely, but I would love to know what you think about them. Or I would love to have you ask me about them, just to motivate me more by having people know what I’m up to. Tweet at me!